Wraps & Clings
Prices below are for rental of the space and do NOT include printing, installation or removal of graphics. For further details and pricing regarding graphic production and installation please contact your preferred graphics company or FedExOffice.
Columns in this area need to be wrapped in two separate graphics, one on the top and one on the bottom. Bottoms are 75 sqft and tops are 90 sqft. There are 8 available.
Columns in this area need to be wrapped in two separate graphics, one on the top and one on the bottom. Bottoms are 75sqft and tops are 90sqft. There are 8 available.
The windows facing outside in the 3rd Street Foyer consist of 66 pieces of glass each measuring approximately 24 square feet.
On either side of the main entrance to the Phoenix Ballroom there is an inset above the rolling registration counter each measuring 10’ X 15’
Rules & Regulations
Branding opportunities in this area of the hotel are limited to groups who have contracted the Phoenix Ballroom
Install and removal dates and times must be coordinated with hotel in advance.
The hotel reserves the right to approve or deny any and all wraps, clings, products and/or artwork prior to distribution or posting in any area of the hotel.
All measurements provided are estimates only. 3rd party vendors are required to take their own measurements to ensure accuracy